
GHM in Nigeria

Nigeria is home for one of the largest Lutheran churches in Africa, the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN). “Healthcare in the LCCN has been one of the pillars of the mission work from the beginning,” said Rev. Dr. Musa Panti Filibus, LCCN Archbishop and President of the Lutheran World Federation, but “the coming of Global Health Ministries has opened a whole new approach to health ministry for us.”

That approach is a focus on community-based efforts to prevent sickness and promote health. A pilot project in 2010 has grown to engage over 30,000 people today…with a dramatic expansion underway.

With a sparkle in his eye, the Archbishop shared this story. “Just before I came here one of our retired pastors was in my office…He was just full of joy that his community today has been transformed! They are no longer running helter-skelter when it comes to malaria, when it comes to child delivery, when it comes to some basic complications. They are able to deal with it at home!”

GHM partners with a hospital in Demsa, Nigeria, which has become a leading medical provider for the region and a training center deeply integrated with training Village Health Workers, thousands of women volunteers through the church, and well-maintenance teams form rural villages.

Community Health Worker Albeta walking to Manambano Hospital in rural northeastern Nigeria

Meet Albeta

Albeta covers a lot of ground. Serving on one of two Mobile Leadership Teams, she mobilizes Village Health Workers and whole communities to improve community health. Together they consider the importance of clean water and improved nutrition (including the “Goat Fattening Project”). Information is shared about choices that can help prevent disease, and initiating income generation projects, from soap to bread making to raising goats. Albeta celebrates with women in the villages when they become pregnant. With the help of Village Health Workers, women hear about choices they can make for healthier pregnancies, and how to care for their newborns and children under five. The LCCN’s pilot project has continued to expand, and Albeta’s team now covers 21 villages.

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